Sunday, October 16, 2011

Babies on the brain

Any unoccupied moment lately seems to be filled with thoughts about babies.  I've been reading too many fetal abduction stories (you know, when crazy women stalk pregnant women and cut their babies out of the womb).  Yeah, no more offering rides home to nice-looking women at the bus stop for me.  I've even caught myself talking to co-workers about breastfeeding....more than once.  Am I turning into one of those smug pregnant women who can't seem to talk about anything else?! I'm afraid so.

But in my defense, I've just been busy growing a human that I'll be responsible for....the rest of my life...and that's slightly terrifying for me so that's pretty much all I think about.  However, I keep telling myself that if (insert someone that comes to mind that I think is an unfit parent) can do it, surely Taylor and I will manage just fine.  For example, take these fine parents as classic comfort examples:

Parent, schmarent.  How hard can it be if these fine people are managing to do it? 

On another note, I have started getting ready for baby girl to arrive.  It's starting to sink in that is really is going to happen. We have narrowed down the names to about 3 or 4, the crib just arrived, and I had two baby showers this week.  My cute young women threw me one for mutual, and I had another friends/family shower yesterday at Riverside Country Club.  So I'm slowly accumulating the necessary items, but there are still so many things this new little person needs! Here's something I definitely won't be purchasing for our little one: 

This isn't just any ordinary teddy bear.  This, my friends, is a placenta teddy bear.  The kit comes with all the instructions/items needed...minus the placenta--you supply your own.  You only have to cut, cure and emulsify the organ.  But hey, what's more cute and cuddly than a placenta?  


  1. The bear is disturbing and for the record, you will be a great parent. And, breastfeeding isn't for sissies.

  2. That is the most horrifying thing I have ever seen.

  3. You are freakin' hilarious! I love you, even with all of your baby obsessing! Almost there almost there almost there!
