Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lately. . .

Alright, so I won't be covering what we've been up to the last 3 1/2 years.  I feel like I'm a little late on the whole 'blogging' thing, but better late than never, right?

Here's the quick version of some highlights/what we've been up to lately. (I'll post some pictures later):

1. Goodbye Morning Sickness!
After 5.5 months of hanging my head in a toilet, I am feeling much more like myself, besides my morphed body. I'm pretty sure at least 15 pounds have gone straight to my face, but hey I'll take feeling fat over sick any day!

2. Mexico trip
I went to Riveria Maya, Mexico for work. I know, I job is rough. Taylor got to join me and went diving since I can't go with him, thanks to baby. So I worked for 7 days, and we vacationed together for 3. My events went great, even though I felt like throwing my work Blackberry into the ocean, the R&R for the last few days made it all worth it! Oh and we went snorkeling with giant whale sharks. Totally cool!

3. Landscaping has begun
I can't wait to go outside and see vegetation instead of a pile of dirt. Also related, we have ordered blinds, which make a great replacement to the garbage bags we have taped over our windows. I'm thrilled.

4. 4th of July
I love America and the 4th just happens to be my favorite holiday. We spent the evening at Stadium of Fire and danced the night away with Brad. He's one amazing guitarist. Taylor's brother Trevor came from NYC, and we had a blast with he and our friend Mairin. L

5. Taylor is the new EQ President.
(Okay this one isn't great, but it's kept US busy. Yes I said us, because I feel like I've been roped in to this one, too. But props to Taylor for putting so much time and effort into it.

6. U2 concert
I had to go to a conference in Baltimore for work and got to see U2 perform. Other than the drunk guy behind me who peed his pants, and kept trying to touch my belly, saying my baby was going to come out with sunglasses on (I know, I don't get it, either) the concert rocked.

7. New bra
A little personal, I know. But these pregnant boobs of mine have been begging for a new support system. Life changing. (don't worry, I won't post a picture of this)

8. One of my besties moved away
Let's be clear on this: not a highlight, but certainly something that's affected me.  I'll miss you Carolyn! Who am I going to work out with? Come back and visit soon.  But on the bright side, I got to go to lunch with another bestie, Vanessa from CA.  It made my whole week!

9.  We are having a girl
Not that I cared if it were a boy, but Taylor got me a little paranoid that whatever we were having wasn't going to be what we expected.  After my 10th ultrasound, the tech assured me, she is 99 percent sure it's a girl.  

10.  I found $100.
So it was behind a toilet, it didn't stop me from pocketing it.  A good run through the wash did it well.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to be the first one to comment on your new blog! Hey, maybe someday I'll put a blog together too! Then we will have both gone to the dark side ;-) Love ya, Kace!
